Jim Harbaugh's Rules To Live By

May 7 2024

Caffeinated Thought of the Week:

At the recent NFL draft, Coach Jim Harbaugh surprised Adam Schefter with his unconventional business card. At the top, he had “Jim Harbaugh’s Rules To Live By”. There are 20 so buckle up!

  1. Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all else will be added unto you.
  2. Attack each day with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind.
  3. Who could possibly have it better than you?
  4. Better today than yesterday. Better tomorrow than today.
  5. Heroes have no days off.
  6. Your fate is in your hands.
  7. Think. Innovate. Find solutions. By your talent and effort, you will be known.
  8. Choose a great role model. Watch them, emulate them, then make them proud.
  9. A smile being pleasant is a small price to pay for the goodwill and affection of others.
  10. Discipline yourself daily to be physically fit for life.
  11. Great effort equals great results.
  12. Stop trying to win all your fights in the first round.
  13. What we do in life echoes in eternity.
  14. Seek long and trusting friendships by being happy and helpful for the other guy’s success.
  15. The best customer is a satisfied one.
  16. The only job you start at the top is digging a hole.
  17. Treat others as you want to be treated.
  18. Here’s advice. ABCs for picking a school: Academics, ball, college environment.
  19. Three keys to happiness in descending order:
    • Pick a job you love.
    • Outwork your competition.
    • Marry wisely.
  20. Contemplating a career move? Do what is best for your family personally and professionally, a place where you’ll be happy and productive and where you are wanted and they like what you do and how you do it. Follow the direction. Keep doing you. It’s working.

Quote of the Week:

“When you list 20 Jim Harbaugh quotes on a page you sure don’t need another.” - Josh Babcock

Reflection of the Week:

What are some rules or principles that guide your life? Which of Jim Harbaugh’s rules resonated with you the most and why?

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