Hi, I'm Josh Babcock.
I’m a first-time writer, long-time reader. I remember the first time I was reading 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey. I was at a coffee shop in my hometown and a guy who just picked up his drink was walking towards my table. He paused in front of me and said, “Is your employer making you read that book?” No sir I replied. “Well, you’re crazy then because mine did. I could barely finish, let alone remember anything.”
My first thought was, what the heck is that guy talking about this book is a classic?! Then it hit me. Not everyone has time to read let alone enjoys reading a 400-page book on living effectively.
That’s why I’m here.
I want to simplify these long and sometimes complex principles so that they’re easier to understand. My goal is to inspire you to live a purposeful life by understanding timeless principles through the lens of Albert Einstein’s quote, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
You can typically find me in Buffalo, NY hammering away at my keyboard as a Software Engineer, cracking eggs as the chief sandwich officer of SonnySide Sandwiches (a story for another time), or driving over the Buffalo Skyway going 25 mph under the speed limit blasting The Lumineers holding my sweet wife Gracie Babs’ hand.

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